Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Bark Photography: dog is everywhere

The official ribbon cutting ceremony at Chicopee Woods Mt bike Trails, Sat April 18 2009
The official ribbon has just been cut. Note the "official" scissors. Note the happy officials.

This weekend was the grand opening for the new mountain bike trails at Chicapee Woods in Gainseville Ga. There are miles and miles of new trails there. What has always been a good place to mountain bike has become even better.

The day was very festive with music, free barbecue and a wonderful mystery adventure ride with an abundance of great prizes at the end. Norma Rainwater used her skills as a mountain biker and educator to put together a ride that was fun and interesting ride for everyone.

This is the SORBA chapter that makes it all happen up there.

This was quite an event. Everyone showed up, including Sorella Cycling, and they brought their new banner for this year. Since Bark Photography is a sponsor, our favorite dog showed up on the banner. Check her out, she's in the bottom left:

She's everywhere, including on the back of the jerseys. The jersey model shall remain anonymous. She had been riding though check out the blood on the elbow.

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